Syaikh Bakar bin Abdillah Abu Zaid
Syaikh Abu Ubaidah Masyhur bin Hasan Alu Salman.

Jika seseorang menyebut Israil, maka kata ini selalu disandingkan dengan Yahudi. Ini terjadi di banyak kalangan dari media, forum diskusi, bahkan majlis-majlis ta’lim, tak urung para pembicara tidak membedakan antara Yahudi dengan Israil. Seakan dua kata ini memiliki terminologi yang sama. Yahudi adalah Israil, dan Israil adalah Yahudi. Padahal penisbatan Yahudi kepada Israil merupakan kekeliruan !. Lantas, bagaimana kedua hal ini bisa disebut berbeda?

Berikut ini kami sampaikan penjelasan mengenai perbedaan ini, menurut pandangan Syaikh Bakar bin Abdillah Abu Zaid dan Syaikh Abu Ubaidah Masyhur bin Hasan Alu Salman.

Tersebut di dalam kitab Mu’jam Manahil Lafzhiyah, Darul Ashimah, Cetakan III, Tahun 1413H halaman 93-94, Syaikh Bakar bin Abdillah Abu Zaid mengatakan :

Syaikh Abdullah bin Zaid Alu Mahmud memiliki sebuah risalah yang berjudul Al-Ishlahu wat-Ta’dilu Fiima Thara-a Ala Ismil Yahudi wan Nashara Minat Tabdil. Di dalam kitab tersebut terdapat tahqiq yang menyinggung, bahwa Yahudi telah terlepas dari Bani Israil. Yakni sebagaimana terpisahnya Nabi Ibrahim Alaihissalam dari bapaknya, Azar. Kekufuran itu telah memutuskan loyalitas antara kaum Muslimin dengan orang-orang kafir, sebagaimana diceritakan dalam kisah antara Nabi Nuh Alaihissalam dengan putranya.

Oleh karena itu, keutamaan-keutamaan yang pernah dimiliki Bani Israil pada zaman dahulu, sedikitpun tidak ada yang dimiliki kaum Yahudi. Karenanya, justru penyematan nama Bani Israil untuk menyebut kaum Yahudi, akan menjadikan mereka meraih keutamaan-keutamaan, dan keburukan mereka pun tertutupi. Demikian ini berakibat hilangnya perbedaan antara Bani Israil dengan Yahudi sebagai kaum yang dimurkai Allah Azza wa Jalla dan dihinakan dimanapun mereka berada.

Begitu pula, tidak boleh mengganti nama Nashara menjadi Al-Masihin, yaitu menisbatkan kepada pengikut Nabi Isa Al-Masih. Ini merupakan nama baru yang tidak ada dasarnya dalam sejarah, dan tidak juga dalam perkataan para ulama. Karena orang Nashara telah mengganti dan menyelewengkan kitab Alla Azza wa Jalla, sebagaimana kaum Yahudi telah melakukannya terhada din (agama) Nabi Musa Alaihissalam. Memberi nama kepada mereka dengan Al-Masih, tidak memiliki dasar hujjah. Kepada mereka Allah Azza wa Jalla hanya memberikan nama Nashara, bukan Al-Masihin.

Kemudian, kekufuran kaum Yahudi dan Nashara terhadap syari’at Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, maka menjadi musabab penyebutan atas diri mereka sebagai kafir. Allah berfirman.

“Orang-orang kafir, yakni ahli kitab dan orang-orang musyrik, (mengatakan bahwa mereka) tidak akan meninggalkan (agamanya) sebelum datang kepada mereka bukti yang nyata” [Al-Bayinnah : 1]

Jadi sesungguhnya, Yahudi adalah nama bagi orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada Nabi Musa Alaihissalam. Adapun yang beriman, mereka itulah yang disebut Bani Israil. Karena itu, orang-orang Yahudi (sendiri) merasa tidak senang (jika) disebut dengan nama Yahudi.

Adapun Syaikh Abu Ubaidah Masyhur bin Hasan Alu Salman menuliskan di catatan kaki kitab beliau, As-Salafiyun wa Qadhiyatu Filasthina, Markaz Baitul Maqdis, Cetakan I, Tahun 1423H, halaman 12-13, sebagai berikut :

Penamaan ini, -yaitu menamakan Yahudi dengan nama Israil- merupakan kemungkaran. Telah meluas di tengah masyarakat di negeri Muslim sebuah perkataan yang berkonotasi celaan “Israil melakukan ini dan itu, dan akan melakukan tindakan ini dan itu”, padahal Israil itu, merupakan salah seorang Rasul Allah (utusan Allah), yaitu Nabi Ya’qub Alaihissalam. Dan beliau Alaihissalam, sama sekali tidak memiliki hubungan apapun dengan negara yang senang berbuat makar dan keji ini. Antara para nabi dan rasul, sama sekali tidak ada saling waris-mewarisi dengan orang-orang kafir, musuh mereka. Yahudi, sama sekali tidak memiliki hubungan din (agama) dengan Nabi Allah, Israil.

Penamaan seperti ini, memberikan dampak buruk pada pemahaman diri kita. Allah dan para rasul-Nya tidak akan pernah meridhainya, terutama Nabi Israil Alaihissalam. Karena Yahudi adalah kaum kafir dan pembohong. Menyematkan nama ini kepada mereka mengandung pelecehan terhadap Nabi Israil Alaihissalam. Dan yang wajib adalah mencegah penamaan itu.

Dalam Shahih Bukhari no. 3533, dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, dia berkata : Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda.

“Tidakkah kalian merasa heran, bagaimana Allah mengalihkan celaan dan kutukan orang kafir Quraisy dariku. Mereka hanya mencela orang yang tercela, dan mengutuk orang yang tercela. Sedangkan aku, tetap Muhammad (terpuji)”

Dan kewajiban kita –minimal- membuat mereka gusar dengan penyematan nama Yahudi pada mereka, karena mereka membenci nama ini dan senang dengan penisbatan palsu kepada Nabi Ya’qub Alaihissalam. Mereka, sedikitpun tidak mendapatkan keutamaan maupun kemuliaannya.

Syaikh Abdullah bin Zaid Alu Mahmud memiliki sebuah risalah yang sudah dicetak di Qathar, tahun 1398H, dengan judul Al-Ishlahu wat-Ta’dilu Fiima Thara-a Ala Ismil Yahudi wan Nashara Minat Tabdil..

Tentang masalah ini juga, coba lihat Muja’mul Manahil Lafzhiyah (44), karya Syaikh Bakar Abu Zaid, majalah kami Al-Ashalah, Edisi 32, Tahun ke-6, Tanggal 15 Rabi’ul Awwal 1422H, halaman 54-57, makalah Syaikh Rabi’ bin Hadi, Hukmu Tasmiyati Daulati Yahuda bi Israil. Peringatan dalam masalah ini, juga saya temukan dalam kitab Khurafatu Yahudiyah, karya Ahmad As-Syuqairi, halaman 13-30, dengan judul Lastum Abna-u Ibrahima, Antum Abna-u Iblisa.

SOURCE: almanhaj.or.id

13 Komentar

  1. ahmad andriana said,

    sip setuju, YAHUDI TERKUTUK, Laknatullah

    • Darma said,

      Yaakov Baruch יעקב ברן berkata,
      28 Desember, 2008 pada 12:57 pm
      shalom, buat ahmad andriana, JEWISH is NOT same with ZIONISM, karena :

      1. Tidak semua orang Yahudi mendukung Zionisme, sekitar 30% Yahudi Orthodox menolak paham Zionisme dan Negara Israel.

      2. Tidak semua Zionisme adalah Orang2 Yahudi, sebab di US, ada kelompok “Christians-Zionist”, mereka ini yg membela Negara Israel secara membabi-buta, atas dasar anti-muslim dan ingin mendukung Negara Israel.

      3. Tokoh Zionisme “Theodore Herzl” adalah seorang Yahudi sekuler yang tidak menjalankan syariat agama Yahudi secara strictly dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.


      Yaakov Baruch


  2. INCOGMAN said,

    The Jews Who Are Not The Ancient Israelites

    April 24, 2008 in History, Jewish Supremacy, Religion | Tags: Jewish Supremacy, Religion, Khazar Jews, Chazars, Edom, Esau, Talmudism, Jacob, Ashkhenazim, Pharisees, Ashkenazim, Torah, Sephardic

    In this Medieval painting, Jesus is handed over to the Romans by the Sanhedrin or the Pharisees. Talmudism is a quasi-reincarnation of these Pharisee’s beliefs and is followed by a racial group NOT descended from these people.

    Judaism is Pharisaism, which Christ preached against. A modern Orthodox Jew’s theology is the same as a Pharisee of Christ’s day. The Ancient Israelites (who were not Jews, nor were they their ancestors) practiced Mosaism, the religion of Moses.

    Jesus was a Hebrew (that is, a descendant of Eber), an Israelite (a descendant of Jacob), and a Judahite (a descendant of Judah) but not a Jew!

    Modern Jews are not even Israelites; they have no relation to Jesus at all. Modern Ashkenazi (or Yiddish) Jews are, in fact, primarily descended from a Turkic people, known as the Khazars, who converted to Judaism in the late 9th Century AD and the Jewish Edomites who converted to, or rather created, Judaism hundreds of years before. According to some genetic tests, 60% of Jewish DNA is Central Asian Turkic. The remaining 40% is of Semitic, specifically Edomite, origin.

    The Edomites were a mixed people, descended from Esau (the son of Isaac, and brother of Jacob). Esau had married several women of different ethnicity’s that existed in the land of Canaan at that time, including Hittites, Hivites, Horites, Canaanites, and Ishmaelites (Arabs).

    A bitter rivalry between the descendants of Esau and Jacob continued throughout history, and as they lived in close proximity for hundreds of years, their hatred worsened. The Romans referred to the Edomites as Idumeans, separate from Israelites, when they lived in the region of Palestine together. The Romans later divided Palestine into districts, with Idumea (land of Edomites) being one of the districts. Some Edomites converted to the religion of the Israelites although in doing so, they bastardized it, creating the books known as the Babylonian Talmud.

    At the fall of the Roman Empire, the Edomite Jews became scattered over all of Europe, with the majority settling down in the Turco-Mongolian (Khazaric) area of Russia, where they intermarried with the heathen Khazars who had converted en masse to Judaism. They are called Ashkenazi, and make up at least 90% of modern Jewry. Every Israeli Prime Minister has come from this heathen background. Which means their ancestors never walked the hills of Palestine. The only Jews with Abrahamic blood flowing in their veins come from the Sephardic Jews, whose lineage can be traced back to Esau/Edom.

    Here are some quotes that show this:

    “Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who was foreign minister to Abd-al-Rahman, Sultan of Cordova, in his letter to King Joseph of the Chazars (about 960 AD) … speaks of the tradition according to which the Chazars once dwelt near the Seir Mountains [The ‘Seir Mountains’ are none other than the original land of Esau-Edom – ‘Thus dwelt Esau in Mount Seir: Esau is Edom’ (Genesis 36:8). Seir was a mountain range sought of the Dead Sea and was also known as the ‘land of Edom’ (Genesis 36:21). The Seir mountains were the home of the Edomites for nearly a millennium (The Edomites arrived in Edom or Seir at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 13th century B.C. Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, p. 372) Thus we have it from Jewish sources that the Khazars originally ‘dwell near the Seir Mountains’ so are racially of Edomite stock. But how and when did Edomites get to Khazaria? There is evidence that in the 6th century BC, some of the Edomites fled their homeland of Seir and migrated north, ‘After the fall of Jerusalem, in 586 BC, the Edomites began to press northward (Ezekiel 36:5).”

    (The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, ed. by Henry S. Gehman, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1970, p. 418}].” (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IV, (1905), p. 3).

    “… the Idumeans (Edomites) were…made Jews…and a Turkish people (Khazars) were mainly Jews in South Russia…The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.”

    (H.G. Wells, The Outline of History, 3rd ed., MacMillian, 1921, p. 494).

    “Edom is in Modern Jewry.”

    (The Jewish Encyclopedia,1925 edition, vol. 5, p. 41)

    “… the large majority of surviving Jews in the world of Eastern European, and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus…and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

    (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, Random House, 1967, p. 17).

    Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew.’”

    (The Jewish Almanac, Compiled and Edited by Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins (New York: Bantam Books, 1980) p. 3.)

    Those who interchange the words “Jew” and Israelite, call Abraham a Jew, though Abraham was not an Israelite or a Jew. The word “Jew” is not used in the Bible until nearly 1,000 years after Abraham. Abraham was a Shemite (that is a descendant of Shem), and he was also a Hebrew (a descendant of Eber or Heber). But to say that he was a Judahite is to say that he descended from his own great-grandson, which is impossible!

    One of Jacob’s (Israel’s) children was Judah (Hebrew “Yehudah”). His descendants were called Yehudim (”Judahites”). In Greek the name is Ioudaioi (”Judeans”). Most all Bible translations use the word “Jew,” which is a modern, shortened form of the word “Judahite.” A “Jew” in the Old Testament would be a “Judahite;” and a “Jew” in the New Testament would be a “Judean.”

    The Bible uses the term “Jew” or Judahite in three distinct ways:

    1) One who is of the tribe of Judah in a racial sense (as Jesus was);

    2) One who is a citizen of the southern nation of Judah, including the Tribes of Benjamin and most of the Tribe of Levi; it will even include Canaanites and Edomites who were citizens of Judah (these are from whom modern Jews descend); and,

    3) One who is a follower of the religion of Judaism, or as it was more anciently known as Pharisaism (After the Pharisees).

    – CelticSicilian

    Thank you, CelticSicilian.

    As we can see here, whenever I say “Jews” on my blog, I really mean “Khazars” or “Chazars.” Most everyone uses the term “Jew” as a short-hand so the readers can understand of whom they speak. But they’re really not Jews of the Bible or the Old Testament (the Torah) as advertised by them. They have resurrected Pharisaism (which Jesus preached against) in the teachings of the Talmud and only by this can they be called “Judaic.”

    Polish “Jews” studying the Talmud. These are the Ashkenazim, racially the Khazars, who come mostly from Germany, Poland and Southern Russia. The richer German Ashkenazim have been in the US the longest, with many of the poorer ones being allowed to immigrate in the 1880’s as white Europeans. Little did we know just what we were doing.

    These Khazars are from Eastern Europe, mostly Poland and Southern Russia, some of whom migrated into Germany and other European nations. They’ve considered themselves “Jewish” from the Holy Land, for centuries now (the first few generations is all it would take) and their main religious book is the Talmud, some of it written in Babylon and then added to by themselves in Europe during the middle ages. And some was written by Sephardic Jews, in exile in Egypt and elsewhere, passed onto Jewish communities in Spain, then on-towards the European Khazars north and eastward.

    All of this is very complex and confusing for most Americans, hence people just call them “Jews.” And they want you to think of them as Israelites, instead of anything else, so as to take full advantage of the biblical status, victimhood and economic clout, but mostly for the cohesiveness of their racial stock. As such, this is the most racist group in the world, once you see their actions in toto.

    The Khazar racial group, who are the main promoters of Zionism and Jewish supremacism, may well have less “Holy Land” DNA than even the Palestinians that they have been trying to clear from the region for decades. This is one of the biggest lies of all history and, unbelievably, is still being promoted to this day. Often, when the Jew is not on the radar, he freely discusses this very fact among themselves, but the moment any Gentile brings it up, he is called a “anti-Semite.” Curious, huh?

    This is done mostly to befuddle the surrounding Christians and has worked marvelously for them. Witness the rise of “Dispensationalists” who believe that we need to support these people and the State of Israel for the sake of Christianity — even when these very same people believe in a Talmud that says Christ was nothing but a Egyptian magician and is now being boiled for eternity in a vat of excrement or semen in the bowels of hell!

    “The modern Jew is the product of the Talmud.” -– Michael Rodkinson, in preface of Babylonian Talmud, page XI.

    “The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs, or ceremonies we observe-whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or merely spasmodic sentimentalists-we follow the Talmud. It is our common law.” -– Herman Wouk, “This is My God.”

    They’ve also worked tirelessly to elimanate any signs of Christianity from public property in the US. No longer can even the Manger scene be set-up in the town square for Christmas. Yet the menorah is perfectly legal. Any sign of Jesus supposedly serves as a reminder of that day in Jerusalum, 2,000 years ago and they say they don’t want to be called “Christ-killers” over it. In reality, the Talmud states that it was them, the Pharisees who killed Jesus (Baleem) with their own hands and not the Romans. According to them, he was stoned, strangled and decapitated at least four times (a bit of over-kill) in a trash dump.

    As an “Egyptian magician,” Jesus is considered a “false-prophet” by their Orthodoxy, so they are really out to stop you from worshipping Him in any way. And even Jewish political and social engineers, like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and even your very own government (can you believe that?), are now attacking the New Testament’s writings,* while totally ignoring anything about this Talmud.

    Some evangelical “ministers,” like the Bishop John Hagee, insist on deceiving their flocks about all of this, never telling you a thing about the real-life “hate” speech about Christians contained in the Talmud, nor that they call us ”Goyim,” or cattle. They also have other secret code names for the non-Jew, like “Cuthanite” or “Heathen.” These special names would eventually get out and the Talmudic Jews would then change them, sometimes even giving out secret code books to their Yeshiva students so they could correlate the names with what they study in the Talmud.

    Bishop Hagee says we have to support the State of Israel no matter what (basing it on the Old Testament or Torah) and conveniently ignoring all the evils that this country (based on the Talmud) does to the world, including to the USA. He believes that with the restoration of ancient Israel and the Temple Mount, we’ll see Jesus Christ descend from the heavens to take his place in the new Third Temple finally bringing about the 1000 year reign of Christ.

    But his Zionist chums believe unabashedly otherwise. Once all this takes place, it will really be the Jewish Messiah (Mosiach) who appears and the borders of Israel “will then magically expand to the size of the globe.” In other words, take over the entire planet, rendering Bishop Hagee, his flock and the rest of us poor slobs as slaves to them and their Messiah.

    Basically, the Zionists and Orthodox Jews are both using them to jack-up all the Armageddon bit for the security of secular Israel and, along with all this, creating the groundwork in advance of the Jewish Messiah, in the hopes it will entice Him to show up to the party — but for real. This is a big part of the overall Jewish Agenda and the New World Order.

    Who’s right? Who knows? I say it’s probable that both sides are very wrong but such thinking could get all of us into some serious BS. Like in World War BS. I’m being as serious as I possibly can be here.

    Now, the Khazar Jews, or the Ashkenazim, have serious positions of power in the Western world; although it’s quite true that many are not religious or orthodox Jews. Yet the State of Israel is obviously, blatantly the number-one issue for them, not America. So, in effect, they’re indeed fullfilling the exact same wishes of their religious people.

    Plus, it’s seems readily apparant that the real money power in this world, such as the Rothschilds, are fully behind all of this kind of thinking. Baron Edmond de Rothschild bought huge amounts of land in Palestine, in advance of the arrival of European Ashkenazim and even before Zionisim was introduced, supposedly the work of one Theodor Herzl.

    But there is a segment of Jews (the Torah Jews), who reject this line of Zionisim and act patriotically in the nations they live. They believe only God can do such things and such behavior by the Zionists is sinful and dangerous (they are right, there). But these people have been generally ignored by the majority of Jews, unfortunately.


    Go to my latest blog posting on the creation of modern Jewish history: The Wandering Who?

    * The US State department’s “Office of Global anti-Semitism” has recently declared parts of the New Testament as anti-Semitic “Hate speech,” such as when Jesus is turned over to the Romans, but not one word about any of the hate speech directed at Christians, contained within the Talmud!

    Despite passionate support of Israel by evangelicals, ADL claims Christianity is inherently anti-Semitic. ADL says the New Testament is the seedbed of suspicion and blame against Jews leading to the Holocaust of WW II.3 Televangelist John Hagee, recipient of numerous ADL/B’nai B’rith awards, upholds ADL propaganda. He preaches that Jews did not reject or kill Christ, do not have to accept Him, and that New Testament Christianity is a primary source of anti-Semitism throughout the ages. Read more here

    Read more here on the Talmud

    To read more here on the Khazars: Go here.

    The Jews themselves tell of Baron Edmond de Rothschild’s money going to “quiet settlement initiatives” in the 19th and early 20th century before there was ever any Israel: Read more here

    The Zionist’s plan for a third world war: Harbinger of WWIII


    • shiero said,

      tak semua yang ada di internet itu benar… usah copy and paste jika kamu tidak benar2 mengetahui secara terperinci. maaf

  3. INCOGMAN said,

    The Thirteenth Tribe
    by Arthur Koestler



    This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in the Dark Ages became converted to Judaism. Khazaria was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western Jewry. . .

    The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.

    In the second part of this book, “The Heritage,” Mr. Koestler speculates about the ultimate faith of the Khazars and their impact on the racial composition and social heritage of modern Jewry. He produces a large body of meticulously detailed research in support of a theory that sounds all the more convincing for the restraint with which it is advanced. Yet should this theory be confirmed, the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, since, as Mr. Koestler writes, it is based “on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”

    ISBN 0-394-40284-7

    Rise and Fall of the Khazars
    I RISE


    What the Critics have to say!

    Finally Available To ALL – Absolute Historical Proof : Jews are not Israelites!

    Research Proves “Jews” are non-Israelite Asiatics!

    DATELINE U.S.A. (1977) — In 1976 Random House published a book that should have hit the Christian Churches like a blockbuster, but instead they chose totally to ignore it. It dealt with the racial origin of the people in Communist and Christian countries who call themselves “Jews,” and whom the Churches (and the Jews themselves) generally insist are “God’s Chosen People,” the Israelite descendants of Abraham. Since the late 1800’s a small number of Bible Scholars, who were also students of History and Racial origins, have insisted the Church denominations were wrong; that instead of being Israelites, these Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia were descended from Mongolians and other Asiatic peoples who had adopted Judaism as their “religion” over 1,000 years ago and had become know as “Jews.” These Bible scholars were ignored or condemned, and often called “cultists” or “anti-Semites.”

    Now, after many years of research, a well-known Jewish author, Arthur Koestler has published a 255 page book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE in which he proves the same point; i.e. that these Eastern European “Jews” are neither Israelites nor “Semites,” but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and Huns! Most major newspapers and magazines reviewed the book during 1976. Also, Random House, the publisher, advertised it extensively and began some of their ads with the following headline: WHAT IF MOST JEWS AREN’T REALLY SEMITES AT ALL? In addition, Random House quoted the following reviews:

    “Mr. Koestler’s excellent book…Is as readable as it is thought-provoking. Nothing could be more stimulating than the skill, elegance and erudition with which he marshals his facts and develops his theories…” Fitzroy Maclean, New York Times Book Review.

    “You do not have to be Jewish to be interested… Are today’s Western Jews really ethnic, Semitic, Biblical Jews, or are most of them descendants of converted Khazars?…This compact, interesting book…examines tragic-ironic implications in [this question] for modern history…It should fascinate.” –Edmund Fuller, Wall Street Journal

    “Koestler marshals the evidence in a clear and convincing way. He tells a good story, pulling together materials from medieval Muslims and Jewish travelers, scholarly controversy and the mysterious lore of the Khazars.” –Raymond Sokolov, Newsweek

    Robert Kirsch of the Los Angeles Times stated in his lengthy review that ‘Arthur Koestler publicizes with his customary skills a daring hypothesis: that THE KHAZAR JEWS MIGRATED TO POLAND AND BECAME THE FOREBEARS OF EASTERN EUROPEAN JEWRY…’ Then Kirsch quoted Prof. A. N. Poliak of Tel Aviv University, who stated that “The large majority of world Jewry is descended from the Jews of Khazaria.” Then he again quoted Koestler in THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, “If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that GENETICALLY THEY ARE MORE RELATED TO THE HUN, UIGUR, AND MAGYAR TRIBES THAN TO THE SEED OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB…” (emphasis added) We cannot stress enough how absolutely imperative it is for all Christian Americans to consider the startling proof in Arthur Koestler’s book that today’s Jews are not Israelites. The Jewish influence on American life has reached such a stage that no student of contemporary history can ignore it. Not only the news media are Jewish monopolies, but top positions in the U.S. government are largely filled by Eastern European Jews. The magazine and book publishing houses are in Jewish hands; and movies, television, and the other entertainment industries are dominated by Jews in all phases. America’s government and most of her people’s sources of information are controlled and directed by Jews. If these people were really “God’s Chosen People,” perhaps Americans would have little cause for concern — BUT WHAT IF THEY ARE REALLY THE “HUNS” AND THEREFORE THE ANCIENT ENEMIES OF CHRISTENDOM? Since many Americans may not have an opportunity to read Koestler’s book, we shall herewith submit our own index-style review.

    (by Arthur Koestler, Random House)
    Reviewed by Pastor Sheldon Emry

    Page Information
    15 Khazars adopt Judaism as their religion in A.D. 740.
    16 Majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic. Refers to 1973 Jewish Encyclopedia and A. N. Poliak, Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Tel Aviv University.
    17 Jews more closely related to Hun, Uigur, and Magyrs than to the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
    18 Khazars exacted tribute from subject peoples.
    20 Identified them with the hosts of Gog and Magog.
    22 German word Ketzer is our word for Khazar and means heretic or Jew.
    23 Khazars were with Attila the Hun in 4th century.
    37-39 Some were phallic worshipers, killed anyone thought to be extra intelligent and called it an offering to god.
    46 Quotes 1,000-year-old Arab historian, “The Khazars and their King are all Jews…some are of the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars.”
    47-50 Khazars were re-exporters of foreign goods, middlemen, inspectors of trade, goldsmiths, and silversmiths; and they exacted 10% tax on all trade.
    59-63 Jews fled Rome and Greece to Khazaria to avoid forced conversion to Christianity. They adopted Islam when forced, repudiating it when safe.
    72 Khazar King, in a letter, traced his people in Togarma and Japheth, the ancestors of all the Turkish tribes.
    81 In A.D. 864 a monk wrote “there exists a people under the sky in regions where no Christians can be found, whose name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among them is one called Gazari [Khazari?], who are circumcised and observe Judaism in its entirety.”
    93 Russian communists tried to hide Khazar-Jewish connection!
    95-132 History of breaking up of Khazar Empire and integration of these Jews into Russia, Poland, etc.
    135 Khazar kingdom known as a kingdom of “Red” Jews.
    141 Khazars joined Ghengis Khan and retained their Judaism.
    145 Interchangeable names –Khazar, Zhid (or Yid), and Jew
    151 Majority of Jews in Middle Ages were Khazars.
    152-154 Jews were mintmasters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and money lenders. Principal source of income was foreign trade and the levying of customs dues and they practiced communal life.
    159-161 They lost the name of Khazars and became known as Jews. During Dark Ages commerce largely in Jewish hands, including slave trade.
    163-167 During Crusades whole families and towns of Jews committed suicide rather than accept Christianity.
    167-171 Proves only a handful of Sephardim Jews were in Europe so the vast majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin.
    172-174 Gives origin of Yiddish language. It is NOT Hebrew!
    178 “The Jewish dark ages may be said to begin with the Renaissance.” (Reviews comment: This remark by the Jew Cecil Roth, coupled with other information, is a sorrowful admission that the Jews were supreme in the Dark Ages but lost their dominion over Europe when the Light of God’s Word brought about the Renaissance!)
    180-199 Quotes from many sources to prove Jews NOT descended from Biblical Israelites, ending with this, …evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe.
    200-222 Refers to others who have written on the same subject.
    223 Israeli’s right to exist…not based on…the mythological covenant of Abraham with God; it is based on international law — i.e., on the United Nations’ decision of 1947. . .
    224-226 Koestler ends his book by saying he believes many Jews have learned of their Khazar ancestry and now reject the Chosen-Race doctrine.

    THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE proves beyond doubt that modern Jews are not Biblical Israelites. Every church member in America should insist that his Pastor investigate these claims. Are our Jewish politicians, publishers, movie makers, and opinion molders God’s “Chosen People”? Or are they Mongol and Hun infiltrators of Christendom?

    Is The Jews’ “Chosen People” Masquerade Finally Over?

    Shortly after World War I, Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, assembled a staff of experts in Detroit to conduct research on the European Jews who had been entering America in large numbers since the 1880’s. Ford provided the staff with several million dollars for this research, and in 1923 he published the results in a four-volume work titled “THE INTERNATIONAL JEW.” It was Henry Ford’s conclusion that very few of these people who called themselves “Jews” were descendants of the Bible Israelites. Ford further proved that these Jews, using all sorts of crimes while under the cloak of being the Chosen People of the Bible, were rapidly taking economic and political control of America. In the religious field, Ford claimed THE JEWS HAD SECRETLY GAINED CONTROL OF MOST PROTESTANT SEMINARIES AND CHRISTIAN BOOK- PUBLISHING HOUSES and had been able to remove almost all criticism of Jews from Christian literature. In summing up his findings, Henry Ford stated, “The Jews are not the Chosen People, though practically the entire Church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to be so.” Ford’s book caused a furor for a few years but soon disappeared from colleges, universities, and public libraries and became unobtainable at any price. The Churches continued to teach “The Jews are God’s Chosen People, Israel,” and the (by then) Jewish-dominated news media began to refer to Jews always as Israelites. Anyone opposing the increasing Jewish control of the nations was immediately branded “anti-Semitic;” and Jewish dominated Seminaries taught new ministers to quote Genesis 12:1-3 and sternly warn their flocks that anyone speaking unfavorably of the Jews would be “cursed by God.” Jewish control of American society, politics, and religions continued to increase.

    In 1951 retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer, Col. John Beaty, published a scholarly 265-page book IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. In it Col. Beaty gave overwhelming evidence this strange Race of Eastern European “Jews” were actually Khazar and Mongol Asiatics and had no racial ancestory in Israel at all.

    He then proved that by 1951 these “Jews” had a stranglehold on American politics, on Banking and Credit, on all sources of news, on the entertainment industry, on America’s education system, and that they were the predominant race as judges, lawyers, doctors, and in organized crime. The Jewish news media refused to review the book, Jewish book dealers refused to handle it, Christian book stores ignored it, and only a few thousand copies were distributed. Most Americans never heard of IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA. Now, because of renewed interest, both THE INTERNATIONAL JEW (in an abridged edition) and IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA have been reprinted and are available. (See ordering information below). The latest, and perhaps the most succinct book on this subject, is ISRAEL’S 5 TRILLION DOLLAR SECRET by Col. Curtis B. Dall, former son-in-law of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a personal acquaintance of many high officials in the U.S. Govern ment since the 1930’s. Col. Dall lives and works in the Washington, D. C. area, and his book, published in 1977. Col. Dall proves again, from reliable sources, that the Jews are NOT Israelites. In fact, Col. Dall calls their masquerade as “Israel” the greatest “hoax” of the last centuries! It should be read by every non-Jew.

    You now know their false identity as “Israel” protects these “Jews” from being exposed as aliens and as anti-Americans. Read the books below. Give this sheet to your Minister. Tell him to preach the truth – or resign! Most preaching today is based on the “Jew-Israel” myth, and it is false.

    “Fear them not therefore; for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed: and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye on the housetops” (Jesus, in Matthew 10:26,27). 13trindx.htm


  4. Yaakov Baruch יעקב ברן said,

    Dalam “halacha” (Jewish Law) yg disebut sebagai “Yahudi” ialah mereka yang :
    1. Lahir dari Ibu Yahudi dan
    2. Orang yang memeluk agama Yahudi (Convertion)

    contohnya: Naomi dalam Tanach (Bible), Rabbi Akiva, dan banyak Rabbi2 besar dalam sejarah Bangsa Yahudi. dalam Kitab Yesaya 56 :
    56:1 Beginilah firman H-Shem: Taatilah hukum dan tegakkanlah keadilan, sebab sebentar lagi akan datang keselamatan yang dari pada-Ku, dan keadilan-Ku akan dinyatakan.
    56:2 Berbahagialah orang yang melakukannya, dan anak manusia yang berpegang kepadanya: yang memelihara hari Sabat dan tidak menajiskannya, dan yang menahan diri dari setiap perbuatan jahat.
    56:3 Janganlah orang asing yang menggabungkan diri kepada H-Shem berkata: “Sudah tentu H-Shem hendak memisahkan aku dari pada umat-Nya”; dan janganlah orang kebiri berkata: “Sesungguhnya, aku ini pohon yang kering.”
    56:4 Sebab beginilah firman H-Shem: “Kepada orang-orang kebiri yang memelihara hari-hari Shabbat-Ku dan yang memilih apa yang Kukehendaki dan yang berpegang kepada perjanjian-Ku,
    56:5 kepada mereka akan Kuberikan dalam rumah-Ku dan di lingkungan tembok-tembok kediaman-Ku suatu tanda peringatan dan nama–itu lebih baik dari pada anak-anak lelaki dan perempuan–,suatu nama abadi yang tidak akan lenyap akan Kuberikan kepada mereka.
    56:6 Dan orang-orang asing yang menggabungkan diri kepada H-Shem untuk melayani Dia, untuk mengasihi nama H-Shem dan untuk menjadi hamba-hamba-Nya, semuanya yang memelihara hari Sabat dan tidak menajiskannya, dan yang berpegang kepada perjanjian-Ku,
    56:7 mereka akan Kubawa ke gunung-Ku yang kudus dan akan Kuberi kesukaan di rumah doa-Ku. Aku akan berkenan kepada korban-korban bakaran dan korban-korban sembelihan mereka yang dipersembahkan di atas mezbah-Ku, sebab rumah-Ku akan disebut rumah doa bagi segala bangsa.
    56:8 Demikianlah firman Adon H-Shem yang menghimpun orang-orang Israel yang terbuang: Aku akan menghimpunkan orang kepadanya lagi sebagai tambahan kepada orang-orangnya yang telah terhimpun.”


    Yaakov Baruch


  5. Yaakov Baruch יעקב ברן said,

    shalom, buat ahmad andriana, JEWISH is NOT same with ZIONISM, karena :

    1. Tidak semua orang Yahudi mendukung Zionisme, sekitar 30% Yahudi Orthodox menolak paham Zionisme dan Negara Israel.

    2. Tidak semua Zionisme adalah Orang2 Yahudi, sebab di US, ada kelompok “Christians-Zionist”, mereka ini yg membela Negara Israel secara membabi-buta, atas dasar anti-muslim dan ingin mendukung Negara Israel.

    3. Tokoh Zionisme “Theodore Herzl” adalah seorang Yahudi sekuler yang tidak menjalankan syariat agama Yahudi secara strictly dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.


    Yaakov Baruch


  6. shemayisrael said,

    quote from yakob borot keplinger eh yakov baruh palingan:
    Tentu bisa demplon, sebab dalam “halacha” (Jewish Law) yg disebut sebagai “Yahudi” ialah mereka yang :
    1. Lahir dari Ibu Yahudi dan
    2. Orang yang memeluk agama Yahudi (Convertion)

    Ini tradisi Rabbinik Orthodoc judaism bung, bukan keselurahannya. Bagaimana tradisi Reform Judaism yang menerapkan kembalinya ke Patrilineal, en Karaite Judaism, dan bagaimana Tradisi kuno bangsa Samaria – Samaritan Judaism (yang ada di alkitab dimana Yesus beri perumpamaan antara orang yahudi dan Samaria). Mereka, bangsa Samaria justru lebih ancient, kuno dan menerapkan sistem Patrilineal.

    Asal tahu aje nih, keturunan Yahudi Kaifeng justru mengikut garis Patrilineal, tetapi ketika mau Aliyah ke Israel, justru ditolak pemerintah Israel Modern. Karena Israel modern itu dikuasai keturunan ULAR BELUDAK, yakni Tradisi Farisi yang notabene nenek moyangnya Rabbinic Orthodoc Judaism toh….



  7. reid said,

    buat shemayisrael,loe cupu bngt,,penalaran loe asal2an jngn asal ngomong soal yahudi klo gk tau,,loser loe…

  8. Darma said,

    Terus terang, membaca posting inti oleh Syaikh Bakar bin Abdillah Abu Zaid dan Syaikh Abu Ubaidah Masyhur bin Hasan Alu Salman, saya masih belum mengerti mengapa orang yahudi yang ada di israel (Palestina!) sekarang itu tidak bisa disamakan dengan Bani Israil yang disebut dalam Al-Qur’an. Tulisan itu hanya menegaskan: Pokoknya Yahudi itu bukan Israel (keturunan Nabi Ya’qub); sebutlah mereka “Yahudi”, bukan “Israel” karena itu panggilan penghinaan bagi mereka. Tanpa didukung bukti/argumentasi. Mungkin karena pengarangnya adalah orang Arab yang sifat membenci Yahudinya sudah inheren (maksudnya: “Kita membenci Yahudi karena Yahudi membenci kita dan kita membenci mereka.”). Ahmad Andriana pun terpengaruh
    Untunglah, ada komen dari Incogman yg mengutip dari CelticSicilian dan buku Arthur Koestler dll. yang menjelaskan tentang orang Khazar yang berasal dari Asia Tengah / Eropa Timur lalu memeluk agama Yahudi, sehingga menjelaskan mengapa secara genetik 60% orang Israel itu bersifat Turki Asia Tengah, dan hanya 40% bersifat Semit (Israel asli). Dan ternyata si Raja Mobil Amerika, Henry Ford pernah mengadakan penelitian tentang asal-usul orang2 yang mengaku Yahudi di AS, mantap! Terima kasih, Incogman!
    Lalu komentar Yaakov Baruch, yang tampaknya orang yahudi (entah karena garis keturunan atau pindah agamanya maupun agama orang tuanya), yang ternyata tidak gusar kalau dibilang Yahudi/Jew, malah dia menegaskan bahwa 30% orang Yahudi Orthodox tidak sudi mendukung negara israel, dan negara itu didirikan oleh Herzl yang tidak menjalankan syariat Yahudi. Trims, Yaakov! Tapi sebaliknya komentarnya ditaruh sebagai balasan dari komentar ybs.

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  10. Shacidiva said,

    Terkutuklah yg mengutuki Israel dan di berkati yg memberkati Israel. Itu sdh terbukti dr kehidupan bgs2 itu sampai sekarang mrk saling bunuh gelap mata mrk buta kalau yg di bunuh adalah sesamanya sendiri. Itulah bukti kutukan.

  11. Fatimah Ali said,

    pengampu blog ini tidak tahu sejarah Israel cuma copy pasti dari sumber yang buta huruf..Yahudi Modern adalah yang kembali dari pembuangan di babel ,sedang 1O suku lainnya tidak kembali…itulah kenapa terjadi perebutan pengharuh antara suku Yehuda( yahudi} dengan zionis..belajarlah mas Admin jangan cari sumber yang HOAX..MURTAD BARU PINTER..!!!

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